Alpha 65th Reunion
October 3-6, 2024
Duluth, MN
Alpha 65th Reunion Weekend Slideshow
A summary of events:
- Thursday
- A meet and greet was held Thursday night at the Blacklist Brewing Co. with alumni, actives and pledges attending
- Friday
- A morning cribbage tournament at the Sheraton Hotel
- A golf tournament at Enger golf course in the afternoon.
- In the evening there were era parties held at various locations.
- Saturday
- The annual meeting was held at UMD in the Griggs Center on Saturday morning.
- A catered lunch with a “Seven Wonders of Ancient Duluth” presentation by Al Fahden
- China Wall in the afternoon.
- The Reunion Banquet at the Kitchi Gammi Club in the evening
- Cocktail hour
- Dinner
- Silent auction end
- Program with Al Fahden emcee
- Words by Alumni president Jeff Gaylord and Active president Dylan Elliott
- Recognition of the Founders, Hall of Famers, Blue and White Forever Donors, Reunion sponsors and Alpha Scholarship recipients
- In Memoriam produced by Greg Hinds and narrated by Les Nelson
- Sweetheart and Fraternity songs
- Group Photo
- Music and dancing with Tim McEvoy and his band
Video of the Banquet Program
- Sunday
- Farewell brunch at the Sheraton Hotel
The Annual Meeting – Griggs Center at UMD
Annual Meeting Summary
- Status of the active chapter and introduction of the pledges attending by president Dylan Elliot
- 7 actives
- 5 pledges
- Plan to pledge again in the spring
- No one is graduating this year
- Focused on academics and service
- The actives have resolved a Title IX issue to not allow anyone to join the organization by securing a 501c3 status
- 4 fraternities on campus and 5 sororities
- Alumni Association status presented by president Jeff Gaylord
- Focus was on the 65th reunion with a review of the upcoming events
- The Scholarship Fund sits at about $280k
- Difficulty with getting information on our scholarship fund with a new Development Officer
- Infrequent updates on Fund status
- No information on donors
- No plaque updates
- A number of approaches will be made to correct the situation
- Greg Hinds reviewed the vast amount of work he has done to coordinate the photos collected over the years
- He has used facial recognition software to log a member’s name to photos in the collection (~4000)
- Greg is looking for a different site to store our photos because Amazon has changed its structure
- He has prepared an In Memoriam for the banquet to be conducted by Les Nelson
- Jason Golde presented the treasurer’s report
- After the meeting and a catered Chinese lunch, Al Fahden presented a nostalgia program of the things we did in Duluth during our times at UMD. Click to play the video below.
Seven Wonders of Ancient Duluth
- Special thanks for the reunion events go to president Jeff Gaylord for arranging events and conducting our meeting, and to the Reunion Committee and Actives
- Al Fahden – Creative Planning
- Jeff Gaylord – Marketing and Leadership
- Jason Golde – Financial Planning
- Jordan Herzog – Event App Planning
- Jim Klang – Promotions and Recruiting
- Greg Hinds – Artifacts and Photos
- Tim McEvoy – Golf and Music
- Ben Staub – Merchandise and Recruitment
- John Erickson – Recruiting
- Bryan Kirkes – Recruiting
- Scott Schnuckle – Recruiting
- Dave McMillan – Recruiting
- Isaac Winter – Recruiting
- Huck Andresen – Banquet Dinner Planning
- And a special thank you goes to John Erickson who recruited so many people to come to the reunion and unfortunately could not make it himself
Alpha Scholarship Banquet – April 20, 2024 in Duluth
This is a special occasion each year when scholarship recipients selected for their special accomplishments are honored and awarded their scholarships in a formal ceremony and social event open to Alphas and significant others. The following members were selected this year:
John L. Banks Memorial Scholarship
Alex Nesenson – $4500
Dylan Elliot – $4500
Daryl B. Knodt Memorial Scholarship
Owen Taylor – $1500
Christopher Christensen-Stanley – $1500
Noah Kevan – $1500
Brandon Aguilar Fernandez – $1500

Ben Churchill singing “God Bless America” at Twins Game
(Need to Unmute)
Michael Dean Memorial Service

On Saturday April 22 there was a fitting tribute to our brother Mike Dean that was well attended by Alphas and others. For those of you who were unable to attend, here is a link to a live stream video of the service that was made by the fine people at Lakeview Covenant Church:
Video of Mike Dean’s Memorial Service