Make Check Payable To:

University of Minnesota Foundation

Check Memo field:
UMD Alpha Nu Omega AA Scholarship Fund #5038

Mail Check to:
University of Minnesota Foundation
P.O. Box 860266
Minneapolis, MN 55486-0266


Other Direct Donation Options


In addition to making a one-time or recurring contribution to the Scholarship Fund, there are numerous other options that allow you to make tax-efficient gifts of retirement assets such as a tax-free IRA transfer.  Money from your IRA can be directly transferred to the Scholarship Fund without paying any tax.  And for those of you who are required to take a taxable RMD (required minimum distribution) from their IRA accounts each year, that amount can qualify as a tax free RMD when it is redirected to the Scholarship Fund as a charitable IRA transfer instead.  Just use the IRA transfer form with the holder of your IRA account.

Charitable Gift Annuity Donation to the Alpha Alumni Scholarship Fund

This method of donating to the Alpha Scholarship Fund pays you back high interest while preserving a large percentage of the donation targeted to the Fund.  Typical is 85%, worst case 50% while you may get over 70% back depending on how long you live.  It basically works like Social Security or a pension paying you a promised high percentage amount while you are living.  There are also significant tax advantages initially and for payments when using non-qualified donations.  There is also a method for a onetime donation of qualified money that negates paying taxes on an IRA withdrawal.  RMD (required minimum distribution) money can be used for this.

The following document gives more details of the CGA process:

Charitable Gift Annuity Information

This is the form used for making a CGA donation.  

Charitable Gift Annuity Application Form

Fill it out/print it, sign the form and send it with a check to:

University of Minnesota Foundation
P.O. Box 860266
Minneapolis, MN 55486-0266

Make Check Payable To:
University of Minnesota Foundation

Check Memo field:
UMD Alpha Nu Omega AA Scholarship Fund #5038


The UMD Development Office is prepared to personally assist you in presenting various options and selecting and implementing a donation method that fits your style. To make donations by alternate methods or for information on including our fund in your estate plan, please reach out to:

Matt Duffy
(218) 726-8829

If you prefer to donate via check directly to the Alpha Nu Omega Alumni Association, we will ensure your donation is sent to the Fund promptly.

Make Check Payable To:
Alpha Nu Omega Alumni Association

Mail to:
Jason Golde
Alpha Alumni Treasurer
2356 Samara St
Shakopee, MN 55379


Please consider leaving a legacy gift through your will or trust as a meaningful use of some of your remaining assets. We all leave this life and hope that we will have had a positive impact. Thank you in advance for considering to provide scholarships for future generations of ANΩ students at UMD through a legacy gift donation.



Funding the Future

We invite you to be the driving force behind a transformative movement – “Funding the Future” – an initiative that echoes our commitment to shaping the destinies of our active members through the Alpha Nu Omega Scholarship Fund. Your generosity holds the power to unlock the doors of education, creating pathways for success that resonate for a lifetime.

At the heart of the Alpha Alumni Association’s mission is the unwavering dedication to providing educational support for our members. As the sole fraternity on campus offering scholarships to its own, we stand as pioneers in fostering academic excellence, leadership, and brotherhood.

We are thrilled to share that, with your steadfast support, our “Funding the Future” program has exceeded its initial goal, elevating our Scholarship Fund to over $250,000. This achievement brings us closer to making a profound impact – the equivalent of funding one year’s tuition and books at UMD. Yet, the journey doesn’t end here; our commitment to education propels us to reach even greater heights.

Your donations, no matter the size, fuel the engine of progress. By contributing to the Alpha Nu Omega Scholarship Fund, you not only champion the dreams of aspiring scholars but also align yourself with a cause that transcends generations. As a 501c3 organization, your donations are tax deductible, and a receipt will be provided for your records.

For those whose generosity goes above and beyond, donations exceeding $5000 will be honored with an Alpha blazer and a distinguished place among the revered Order of the Blue and White Forever. Your name will be etched on a plaque proudly displayed in the Kirby Student Center, forever acknowledging your commitment to excellence.

Additionally, many employers offer matching funds for charitable scholarship donations, amplifying the impact of your contribution.

Join us in shaping a legacy where education knows no bounds, where dreams are realized, and where the spirit of Alpha Nu Omega shines brightly. Your support today is an investment in a future filled with promise, potential, and profound impact.

Together, let’s illuminate the path toward a brighter tomorrow!

Checkout the Funding the Future Presentation on our “Latest News” page to learn about our fundraising campaign results.

To read what the scholarships mean to the recipients, checkout our Scholarship Programs Page